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next steps to grow


Knowing God and His Word is foundational to walking in intimacy with Him and walking in love with others. Besides our Life Change Groups, which are our primary places of discipleship, we encourage you to also get connected to the larger WEFC community. Here are some ways you can get plugged in!



Baptism is a public declaration of our faith and new life in Jesus Christ and our repentance from sin. It is a command that Jesus gives to all who follow Him. If you have put your trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, but are not baptised yet, come take this step of obedience to declare your commitment to Him.


We conduct baptism twice a year, during the Easter and Christmas seasons.  Classes will be conducted in October and February. 


church membership

As followers of Christ, we are meant to live out our faith in community, alongside others who are committed to loving and obeying Christ, serving and helping one another grow in Him. Membership in a local church is thus an expression of our commitment to follow Jesus and to build up His body, the church. It is not just mentally assenting to a set of shared beliefs, but a wholehearted covenanting with God and others to fulfil the mission of the church.  

If you’ve been regularly attending our worship services and a Life Change Group, consider becoming a WEFC member. To do so, you must:


  • Already be baptised, either in WEFC or another church

  • Attend and complete our Preparing for Membership class


We conduct our membership class twice a year, in April and November.

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grow classes

At Woodlands EFC, we seek to equip believers for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son, growing into maturity with a stature measured by the standards of Christ (Ephesians 4:12-13).

One of the ways we equip you is through a systematic series of Grow classes, which complement our Life Change Groups. Click here to see the roadmap for our church’s Christian Education (CE) program. Start where you are and GROW with us!



Marriage is meant to be a picture of God’s covenant love for His Bride, the Church. It points us to the ultimate Love that was displayed on the cross, where Jesus Christ died to redeem sinners. As we walk together in community, part of that may include serving together as husband and wife and journeying with other couples towards Christ-centred marriages. 

Sign up if you would like to have an older couple to journey with you in your marriage. (If you and your spouse are WEFC members and have been married for at least 10 years, you can also sign up to be trained as a marriage mentor. To find out more, email Pastor Annabel at



Inasmuch as a healthy marriage is the backbone of a strong family, good parenting is an essential component of a thriving and Christ-centred family. As Christians, we recognise that our children are a gift from the Lord, and see our roles as stewards of the precious lives God has placed under our care. How can we best lead and nurture this next generation to become the men and women that God desires them to be? 


Sign up for our next run of Alpha Parenting in 2025, to gain precious insights and tips for parenting your children through different seasons of life. Registrations will open nearer to the date.

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