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explore christianity


finding Jesus


God created us to know Him and to find our greatest joy and purpose in Him. But we have all turned away from Him, choosing to live our own way apart from Him. This is what the Bible calls sin. Sin separates us from God and results in the punishment of death and judgment. 


Yet because of His love, God sent His Son Jesus Christ to bear our sin on the cross. Jesus never sinned, yet He willingly died in our place and took our punishment. But that’s not all. God raised Jesus to life, conquering death and giving us new life. 


This is the good news of Christianity. When we repent and by faith rely on Jesus to save us, we receive God’s forgiveness and eternal life. There are no works we can do to earn salvation or forgiveness — Jesus alone brings us back into a right relationship with God.

knowing Jesus


receiving Jesus


If you want to receive Jesus into your life to be your Lord and Saviour, here’s how to do so:

Acknowledge you’re a sinner who needs God

Admit in your heart that you have sinned against God, and there’s nothing — no good works or accomplishments — that you can do to earn salvation.

Believe in Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross

Trust that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you, took your punishment for sin, and you are now forgiven.

Confess Jesus Christ as Lord & Saviour

You can say this prayer below to tell God what’s in your heart. He doesn’t just hear your words; He hears what’s in your heart.

Dear Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner and I cannot save myself. I believe that You died to take the punishment for my sin, and that You rose from the dead and are alive today. Thank You for loving me, saving me and giving me new life. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. From now on, help me to know You, love You, and follow Your plan for my life. Amen!

If you’ve prayed the prayer, or if you have questions about Jesus or Christianity, drop us a message so we can connect with you and help you in your next steps. 




Whether you’re a seeker or new believer, come discover the Christian faith for yourself. 


Christianity Explored is a 9-session course that’s focused on the essential claims of the Christian faith and the person at the centre of it — Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus? Why did He come? What is being a Christian like? What does any of this have to do with me? We will dig into these questions as we look at an eyewitness account of Jesus’ life. There will also be time and space to ponder on the big questions of life.


Each session includes a short discussion of a Bible passage, a video to watch, a chance to discuss what you’ve heard, and a Q&A. Discussions will be in small groups. Ask any question you like, or just listen to what others have to say. Come for the first session and if you find it helpful, keep coming!

when does Christianity Explored begin?

Our next season is planned for 2 February to 29 March 2025. Sign up to join us here


Can’t make it for this upcoming season? Leave your details via the button below so we can keep you updated on the next run.

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