how is church center app helpful?
Stay updated & engaged
Get updates on church life from the e-bulletin, join prayer gatherings, and easily browse upcoming events like Grow Classes, workshops and retreats.
Sign up for events easily
Conveniently register for events and classes. Edit your registration details, and even join the online meeting location from the app.
Manage your personal profile
Manage your and your family’s profile info and contact details, so that your particulars are always up-to-date in the church database. View past events you have signed up for and your group membership.
Must I use the app?
No, you can still register for events or view your profile on your web browser. But Church Center App helps you do more in a quicker and more efficient way — all in one place!
Does this take the place of the church website?
No, our website remains as a one-stop-shop for important information and ways to engage in life at WEFC. Think of Church Center as a behind-the-scenes tool that supports some important functions. The app is a streamlined platform that puts these functions on your device, without the need for repeated log-ins and authentications.
Can I use the app to join Church Online?
Yes, you may connect to Church Online via the app. ​You can also find and view our most recent worship services and sermons through the app.