serve with us
God’s Word tells us: “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). Our act of serving is thus our response of love and gratitude to Jesus Christ for saving us from sin and death, not to earn God’s approval by our “sacrifice” or “works”.
Each of us has been uniquely “created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). He has given us talents, gifts and resources to be used for His glory. We want to help you discover how you can be a joyful steward whom God can use to transform lives — in church, in the community or around the world.
These are the current needs of our various ministries. Do prayerfully consider if God is stirring your heart to step out in faith in any of these areas!
community outreach
Woodlands Social Centre
Woodlands Social Centre (WSC) was founded by Woodlands Evangelical Free Church to bless families in Woodlands by providing community services that help individuals and families make positive changes in their lives and relationships.
As a volunteer, you can make a tangible difference in the lives of these families, either on an ad-hoc/project basis or as a regular part of our preschool and primary programs. You can also partner with WSC in blessing families and transforming communities with your giving. Find out more about how you can partner with us as a volunteer or financial supporter here!
Little Olive Tree Preschool
Little Olive Tree Preschool, which offers both child and infant care, is a partnership between Presbyterian Preschool Services, Woodlands EFC and Truth Baptist Church, in line with our mission to serve and transform our community.
Our team of volunteers (Friends of Little Olive Tree), conduct a weekly Worship & Bible story time for the children. There is also a weekly Mums-in-Prayer fellowship group open to both LOT and WEFC mums, where we spend time praying for our children and supporting each other in our parenting journeys.
Adult English Class
Adult English Class (AEC) is a great way for us to engage members of the community who wish to learn English, such as our guest workers living in Singapore. We conduct English classes for these non-English speaking learners (most are Mandarin-speaking) and befriend them to build bridges with them.
Volunteers should be proficient in English and be able to converse fluently in Mandarin. We have two terms each year, in March and September, and each term runs for 10 Saturdays.
world missions
God calls his whole Church to make disciples of all nations of the world. Jesus will come again after the gospel is preached to all people groups, and people from every tribe will worship Him on that glorious day. Come and be part of God’s mission to make His love known through Jesus!
Join a mission trip
God uses mission trips to grow our heart for the lost and a passion for cross-cultural missions. Find out more about our upcoming mission trips and join us by clicking the link below!
​Work with our missionaries, Louis and Chris Lau, mission partners and others to support outreach in Tokyo and other places as needed.
Work among our adopted Least Reached People (LRP) Group, in various cities and provinces with our missionary partners. Includes annual missions conference in March, Youth and Family trips in December to Phuket and Bangkok.
​Serve in our Renovar kindergarten and community centre in Maubisse, Ainaro with our missionary partners (Jose and Sandra). Minister to children, Timorese believers, and the poor.
​Explore church planting and university outreach among East Asia international students in Hanoi. Conversational Chinese is required.
Serve as a missionary
If God has given you a burden to serve Him as a short- or long-term missionary, we want to support you in answering that call. Our short-term missionary terms are up to a year, while long-term missionaries serve for four years and above. If you sense that God is leading you towards mission work, do contact Pastor Jimmy at
If God is growing your heart for His work among unreached peoples, serve on the mission field as a short-term missionary. You have one life on this earth to live for Jesus — would you give one year of your life to reach the lost in cross-cultural missions? Go and make disciples of all nations, minister alongside experienced missionaries, and begin living and learning another language and culture.
Business professionals and tentmakers are missions-motivated Christians who support themselves in secular work as they engage in cross-cultural evangelism and partner with local Christians in the country where they are working. Missional business is a viable avenue to fulfil the Great Commission in places that prohibit traditional missionary platforms and restrict non-governmental organisations.
Read our newsletter to get the latest updates from our WEFC missionaries and partner missionaries. We hope this encourages you to pray faithfully for our brothers and sisters in the field and gives you a greater awareness of the realities and challenges of cross-cultural missions. May the Lord also engage more of us to be both senders and goers in the field!